" I may not understand completely what another person is 'all about' but I need to Trust that they are being led just as surely as I am"
As a human being I needed more confirmation, so I took my trusty dice and chose another number; to follow up, to clarify and to bolster my courage. I received 166: “You are in the perfect position to heal your life by elevating your thoughts so that they’re solely focused on your heart’s true desires. Let go of material concerns, and think about the Beauty of Spirit. In that way, you attract beauty into your life.”
How often do we solely focus on our heart’s true desires? Many days I focus on feeding my children, making ends meet and fulfilling responsibilities towards family and friends. My heart’s true desires get swept under a pile of bills or a list of things I “have” to do. It’s easy to get tugged between opposing forces or strong opinions, and I’ve found as someone who is classified as “under-employed” that everyone seems to have an opinion as to what I “should” be doing with my time. Friends suggest job openings that appear, at least to them, to be the perfect solution. My children wonder aloud that I’m “still” on Facebook and “well-meaning” family members ask repeatedly (not to say “annoyingly” but there it is) what do I DO all day with the long hours stretching emptily (implying “unproductively” or “meaninglessly”) before me.
What I want to advocate here is Trust. We need to learn to Trust our paths and the paths of other people. I may not understand completely what another person is “all about” but I need to Trust that they are being led just as surely as I am, and that their life serves a larger purpose than the repetitive motions of driving to work, picking children up at school or cooking dinner. Just because a certain job or position or activity “seems” to me, to be the perfect solution to their particular situation, it does not mean that it IS the perfect one for them, at this moment, at this specific step on their pathway. I need to Trust their Divine Internal Guidance System just as I am learning to trust my own.
Henry David Thoreau wrote, "If a man loses pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away." And while this may sound cliché, it is just as true today as it was when he penned those lines in 1854 at the conclusion of his work, Walden.
We each came to this earth through choice, and we each had a purpose in mind when we made the trip. Yes, I believe that our larger purpose is to rediscover that we are LOVE and that we are all ONE – but while we are pursuing that exploration we rub along with our fellow travelers and explore how we are different, and how that difference can make a “difference” in the world. Through embracing the unique expression of the Divine that we are, we in turn celebrate all the myriad “expressions” that walk beside us. Only the human part of us wants to label each of these as “good” or “better” or perhaps “problematic” – these labels come from our limited, judgmental ego-self, and much like our least favorite body part (fill in the blank) still form the fabric of our earthly physical existence – part and parcel of “earth school” that we willingly signed up for.
No one can truly know what another person’s life path is. All we can do is love, accept and respect that person, trusting they have a sacred purpose, and that they are following where the Beauty of Spirit leads them. I have found the phrase “This feeds my Spirit” cropping up in my conversations, in my thinking and in my decision making. Getting quiet; listening to my Inner Voice, my guardians and guides is becoming more a way of continuous navigation, rather than a band-aid to be applied situation by situation. I’m sure to many, I must appear to be WAY off pace with the “standard” drummer but happily, I’m becoming more and more OK with that.
The voices of my angels are becoming clearer than the voices of accepted social norms, expected behaviors or standard operating procedures. As they most eloquently expressed to me this morning in the number 419 – I AM qualified, ready and able to heal myself and through my healing, to offer healing and help to others. Through my journey, I am uniquely qualified to act as signpost to others who might be struggling to find a firm footing on their path. And here's the awesome distilled essence for that idea - what is true for me, is absolutely true for YOU!
Never doubt that you serve a useful purpose just by breathing, by hugging a stranger, and by fully embracing the wonder of the creation that is YOU! You do not need to accept anyone else’s vision of yourself. Trust instead, your Divine Internal Guidance System. Spend time alone in Nature, in Prayer, in Meditation, in Communion with the Angels, in Conversations with God, and then live deliberately, joyfully and fully moment by blessed moment.
I see and celebrate the unique and beautiful expression of the Divine in you and I honor that place, where we are all ONE. Namaste!
Hopes Restored, Spirits Lifted
Enthusiasm Renewed
Shauna ♥ Nouhra
Writer, Designer
Angel Therapy Practitioner
Cert by Doreen Virtue PhD
Kona, Hawaii 2008
Reiki Master 2014