Meet Your Guardian Angel and Spirit Team: Angel Guidance Report
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This is one of our favorite Angel Guidance reports to do, as it is often a person's first step towards communicating directly with their angels and guides. While we are happy to help by receiving messages, our goal is to empower you to open your own channel of communication and work in loving partnership with your powerful, heavenly guides.

We each have a unique, personal Guardian Angel assigned to us at birth. Most people have two or more depending on life path, soul purpose or personal situation. Our angels stay beside us throughout our earthly life and then gently guide us through our transition back "home."
Your Spirit Team is made up of Angels, Ascended Masters (Saints or Teachers) & Spirit Guides and can also include departed loved ones (DLO's) that have volunteered to help you during your earthly life.
Your Spirit Team changes all the time. Depending upon what situations you are experiencing, challenges that you might be facing, and/or if anyone is praying for you - extra help might be requested on your behalf.
A Spirit Team report is a "snap-shot" of who is working closely with you right now.
Knowing brings a wonderful sense of comfort, support and ease. You are never, ever alone.
You are always guarded, guided, loved, blessed and protected by God's mighty guardians.
Never doubt this awesome truth.
Your report will be emailed to you in PDF as well as Word format to whatever email address you specify. We understand that you are excited and anxious to hear what your Angels have to say, so we do try and turn-around these reports within 72 hours. However, sometimes delays occur that are unavoidable. Please know that everything is in Divine timing and perfect order. From the moment you purchase your report, the Angels are working in concert with us to bring you the information at the time that is right for you. Trust. Everything is working out for your Highest Good and you are very, very loved by God and the holy Angels.
Please refer to the sample report attached below for an idea of what kind of information you can expect to receive. Each person is different, so each report will vary slightly. We are absolutely committed to being clear channels for Angelic guidance and we know that your report will be a blessing and an opportunity to open your own conversation with your Angels.
Your Spirit Team is made up of Angels, Ascended Masters (Saints or Teachers) & Spirit Guides and can also include departed loved ones (DLO's) that have volunteered to help you during your earthly life.
Your Spirit Team changes all the time. Depending upon what situations you are experiencing, challenges that you might be facing, and/or if anyone is praying for you - extra help might be requested on your behalf.
A Spirit Team report is a "snap-shot" of who is working closely with you right now.
Knowing brings a wonderful sense of comfort, support and ease. You are never, ever alone.
You are always guarded, guided, loved, blessed and protected by God's mighty guardians.
Never doubt this awesome truth.
Your report will be emailed to you in PDF as well as Word format to whatever email address you specify. We understand that you are excited and anxious to hear what your Angels have to say, so we do try and turn-around these reports within 72 hours. However, sometimes delays occur that are unavoidable. Please know that everything is in Divine timing and perfect order. From the moment you purchase your report, the Angels are working in concert with us to bring you the information at the time that is right for you. Trust. Everything is working out for your Highest Good and you are very, very loved by God and the holy Angels.
Please refer to the sample report attached below for an idea of what kind of information you can expect to receive. Each person is different, so each report will vary slightly. We are absolutely committed to being clear channels for Angelic guidance and we know that your report will be a blessing and an opportunity to open your own conversation with your Angels.
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